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Controller of Examination

Controller of Examination
Dr. Koomkoom Khawas

M.Sc. (Chemistry) - University of Delhi
Ph.D (Chemistry) - Central University of Jharkhand.

Controller of Examination, RKDF University Ranchi

The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.” -Rabindranath Tagore.

On a nutshell Education is a process that brings about a positive change and refines the mind with an ability to think and act in a sophisticated manner.

It is also a purposeful activity directed at achieving certain aims, such as transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits. These aims may include the development of understanding, rationality, kindness, and honesty.

Our University is a place for empowerment of the youth; for the fusion and refinement of ideas coming from different directions as also those emanating from interactive minds. The university offers an opportunity to invent and reinvent the thoughtful minds, for widening the horizon much beyond their immediate confines. RKDF University, Ranchi is a place to help disseminate the wisdom, ancient and modern, as also the art of critiquing them, among generations of student and teacher for betterment of the human social existence, both local and global.

Away from hubbubs of the metropolis, the RKDF University, Ranchi and the ambience of its campus, a Bio-diversity Heritage Site, is committed to the pursuit of following objectives:

  • Creating the most vibrant knowledge pool
  • Providing comparable and competitive facilities
  • Trying to achieve excellence in all fields of the university activity
  • Empowering the backward social clusters of its hinterland through teaching-learning process beyond class room
  • Promoting the ethnic, social, religious and cultural diversity in unity
  • Reinvigorating our composite heritage in consonance with the global India


Kathal More - Argora - Ranchi Rd, opp. Water Tank, Dhipatoli, Pundag, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834004
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