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Cultural Committee

The Cultural Committee was constituted for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
To promote and arrange extracurricular activities to bring out the talents of students in the performing arts.
a) The Cultural Committee shall be responsible for all intra and inter-cultural events in the University.
b) To plan and schedule cultural events for the academic year. (Tentative dates to be included in the academic calendar of the institute.) by delegating various tasks.
c) To communicate about various festivals and events to be celebrated in the college and give a wide publicity.
d) To organize cultural events.


  1. Dr. Renuka Poddar : HOD, Political Science
  2. Dr. Sheetal Topno : Dean, Social Science
  3. Dr. Lalita Kumari : HOD, Dept. of Hindi
  4. Dr. Nibha Kumari : HOD, Dept. of Sociology
  5. Ms. Neelam Sharma : Admission Counselor
  6. Ms. Warisha Fatima : Admission Counselor

Contact Info

Kathal More - Argora - Ranchi Rd, opp. Water Tank, Dhipatoli, Pundag, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834004

7091168777 /  -- /  

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